Artist Profile

Sarah Brooke Villalobos-Orinion

My name is Sarah Brooke Villalobos-Orinion I am a Chicana Artist, born on occupied Tongva lands in Southern California. As a singer, songwriter, poet, yoga teacher, storyteller, painter, maker and facilitator of community healing circles and workshops, I use many different therapeutic art modalities to guide others through a creative practice.

I am a highly sensitive, neuro-divergent person, who has wrestled with my mental and emotional health. I worked my way through the emptiness of severe post-partum depression as well as regular old depression. I found myself at the bottom of a black hole of grief and had to crawl through the darkness for what felt like an eternity. My childhood experiences of several Adverse Child Experiences (ACES) created PTSD responses my body, chronic pain, feelings of isolation, loneliness, a lack of belonging to family and community, feelings of being dislocated from cultural identity and heritage and dealing with the ongoing journey away from addictive and negative coping behaviors. My healing path has come through many dark places. I am finding my way home to myself more and more. The journey of nutrition, movement, yoga, breathwork, inner work, sitting in the discomfort, singing my heart out, dancing, drumming, writing poetry and connecting to community...has been my medicine. My life path allows me to facilitate these circles and workshops with tenderness and empathy. I feel thankful for the opportunity to create brave spaces for people connect, explore their inner selves, express and release their feelings, and ultimately find healing and growth while fostering connection and the support they need. What we call "therapeutic modalities" are just the ancient way our ancestors lived. They sang, they danced, they ate whole foods, they walked, they helped each other, laughed, fought with each other, told stories and ate together. This is the collective healing that we need. A re-integration of a way to exist in our bodies, mind, heart, spirit and in the culture and ecosystem in a holistic way. Honoring our journeys and coming together to create the sustainable healthy future for the next seven generations and beyond.